a brand new set of patterns for random Coa (130+) + for muslims too (40+) + for pagans (60) * some preview testing for jews.new or reworked Coa for Titles - more historical or just better versions (150+).However, the reboot Viet Events Reborn should be compatible with HIP even though it's not integrated.ĬoA supplement and/or interface overhaul, including:
Support and integration for the mod has been dropped after 2015 after the original creator temporarily left the CK2 modding community. This is mod is, however, not included with current versions of HIP anymore. VIET (Vanilla Immersion events and traits) is a mod that offers tons of new flavor events that provide variety (and the occasional surprise) to your game play.
Adds full dynamic naming to the Iberian peninsula, British isles and Baltic adjacent areas.Adds cultural appropriate spelling to all entities (from empires all the way down to baronies), with many styling their contemporary medieval spelling form (For instance Denmark sporting medieval danish, while Norway featuring westnorse spelling).Adds unique, and culture specific form of address and titles.Adds cultural modifiers, every culture is no longer the same as the next one.Adds real cultural retinues, every culture has a retinue based on an appropriate real life military unit.Adds many new cultures, including a breakup of the Italian culture.Adds proper terrain for great parts of Europe.Adds redrawn mountains for the Iberian peninsula and Carpathians.Adds a massive river and lake overhaul.Adds new hand drawn coastlines for: Northern Europe(everything north of Bilbao, excluding Iceland, Finnish lakes, and white sea coast), Atlantic coast of Morocco, western Mediterranean islands, a few places on the Italian peninsula, and Rhodos.Adds an in depth overhaul of the map, in the process adding more than 500 provinces, 7000 medieval baronies and reworking entities down to the last barony.All this work has been conducted with a philosophy of keeping as close to the core features as possible, in order to maximize compatibility with other mods. Secondly it includes substantial work on history and cultural related features. SWMH is first and foremost a comprehensive map overhaul, we have gone to great lengths to bring alive the medieval world as contemporary accurately as possible. Automatic Land Distribution: Distribute recently-acquired counties to new nobles or existing "best-fit" courtiers with a deliberate, robust mechanism that makes land distribution a breeze.Customization Options: Tired of playing the same old game? Mix it up a bit with one of many customization decisions available in the Intrigue menu, before unpausing.Improved Sieges: Sieges during regular warfare and during looting are now treated differently and both types have new mechanics and flavor.Automatic Empire Disintegration: Dissolves empires which fail to meet certain size requirements, forcing rulers of said empires back to king-tier titles.Weather System: Considers terrain, season, and other factors while it spreads meteorologic chaos amongst provinces, affecting levy sizes, taxes, local army movement speed, and more.Smart Tactics System: Complete combat tactics overhaul for more realistic combat tactics, outcomes, cultural command differences, and overall balance.Dynamic Levies: Reduces the liege levy available to all rulers as their realms get larger.Unique law-change cooldown and faction mechanics. Improved Crown Laws: Configurable crown authority which unlocks different sub-laws at each level as well as different succession laws, casus belli, and other effects.It also improves upon, and occasionally fixes, certain aspects of the vanilla game experience. EMF focuses on providing historically plausible, coherent new mechanics and flavor for your CK2 experience. It is based on (but replaces) the now defunct Project Balance. Main article: Extended Mechanics & Flavor (EMF)ĮMF is the core overhaul mod in HIP.